Key Principles of Effective Cross-Cultural Communication

Key Principles of Effective Cross-Cultural Communication

At English Express we’re all about helping you learn English, so others can understand you better. But understanding others and being understood is not about words and grammar alone.  Effective cross-cultural communication, and even just effective communication...
Key Principles of Effective Cross-Cultural Communication

English Language: A Lingua Franca

A lingua franca is a language or dialect systematically used to make communication possible between people who do not share a native language. To simply put it is a bridge language, trade language or a common language. English is the most widely learned second...
Cultural Differences between the UK and Australia

Cultural Differences between the UK and Australia

Try imagining yourself living in a world where everything is the same—from the way people dress to the way they express themselves. It isn’t that interesting, is it? Our cultural differences are one of the things that make life so much more interesting. When you...